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33 Leadership Lessons

Leading an organization, a group, a team or even yourself can be difficult.

Great leadership can also seem so simple, it’s misleading.

In thinking about my leadership and that of others around me – great leaders and lacking leaders alike – I thought I’d put together leadership lessons I’ve learned and strive for. Yes I miss the mark sometimes, but it’s something I definitely work on every day. I’m blessed to have had 2 years of leadership training at a previous job – thank you AmeriFirst – and I study leaders to try and make myself better.

Here’s my list of leadership lessons I’ve cultivated.

  1. Leaders lift others up.

  2. Leaders take responsibility and give credit.

  3. Leaders empower. They don’t take power.

  4. Leaders set the culture and the tone.

  5. Leaders eat last.

  6. Leaders serve.

  7. Leaders do not shy away from difficult discussions.

  8. Leaders listen.

  9. Leaders think forward.

  10. Leaders think (deeply).

  11. Leaders decide.

  12. Leaders live up to their own standards for others.

  13. Leaders delegate.

  14. Leaders let others breathe in their work.

  15. Leaders keep their ego in check.

  16. Leaders put others first; self, last.

  17. Leaders learn. Continuously.

  18. Leaders trust first.

  19. Leaders earn respect – not demand it.

  20. Leaders know that people are the key to success.

  21. Leaders articulate a clear vision and follow through with it.

  22. Leaders are the visionary of the organization.

  23. Leaders have empathy.

  24. Leaders self-assess.

  25. Leaders look for balance.

  26. Leaders give grace.

  27. Leaders enable others.

  28. Leaders exhibit positivity.

  29. Leaders exude humble confidence.

  30. Leaders embrace failures and move forward.

  31. Leaders help those around them grow.

  32. Leaders learn from the past to set the stage for the future.

  33. Leaders inspire through passion, trust and clear communication.

When looking for imagery to help tell the story, I searched for “servant leadership.” Interestingly enough, most of the images were of the military.

What leadership lessons or traits do you strive for every day?

Notes + resources

image credit: lifting others

[This article was originally published on The Inbound Evangelist August 7, 2017]